My Merger LRF is not measuring distance correctly.
Please take note of the following:
Accuracy of measurement and maximum range depend on the reflection ratio of the target surface, the angle at which the emitting beam falls on the target surface and environmental conditions. Reflectivity is also affected by surface texture, colour, size and the shape of the target. A shiny or brightly coloured surface is normally more reflective than a dark surface.
Measuring range to a small sized target is more difficult than to a large target. Accuracy of the measurement can also be affected by light conditions, fog, haze, rain, snow etc. Ranging performance can degrade in bright conditions or when ranging towards the sun.
When measuring range to a small-sized target located more that 400 meters away, it is recommended that you put your elbow against a solid surface. This is due to possible hand tremors and difficulty hitting the target with the beam at a longer distance.