Our undertakings and acknowledgements regarding sale of dual use goods
An effective, uniform, and consistent system of export controls on dual-use items is essential to promoting international security and ensuring compliance with international obligations.
Taking into consideration the Recommendation of (EU) 2019/1318 of 30 July 2019 on internal compliance programs for the control of trade of dual-use items under Council Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 428/2009 and other applicable and binding legal acts,
We now declare and undertake the following:
- that the company relies on the company’s internal policies and procedures to ensure proper and effective control of the trade of dual-use goods;
- the company understands and supports the objectives of controlling the trade of dual-use items;
- the company complies with applicable international, European Union and other legal acts.
We ensure the company has sufficient organizational, human and technical resources to comply with applicable laws.
If you have any questions regarding the control of the trade of dual-use goods, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the responsible employees of the company via email: export.compliance@yukonww.com